
Aida Akhmetova

Kazakhstan - Austria

a founder and executive director of the “Aida Art Tours” Company.

University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Austria).

Pianist, winner of International and National piano competitions. She has performed on the big stages of Carnegie Hall (New York), the Astana Opera, and the central concert-hall “Kazakhstan”(Kazakhstan), Ehrbar Hall and Koncerthaus (Vienna, Austria) Concert-hall of the Moscow State Conservatory (Russia) and others.

 Leila Akhmetova

Kazakhstan - Austria

Artistic Director

Artistic Director

Hanns Eisler School of music in Berlin, Music and Art University of the city of Vienna.

Amongst her professional awards are top prizes at the international “Giovani Talenti” Competition (Italy), International Demidov Competition (Russia), International “Astana-Violin” Competition (Kazakhstan) and several others.

Michael Feigl


Department of Technical Support, Director

A singer. Winner of International competitions. He has performed on the big stages of Shanghai Music Hall and the Shanghai Symphony Hall (China), Volksoper Vienna (Austria), Burgtheater Vienna (Austria) and several others. University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Austria). Shanghai Conservatory of Music (China).

Madina Kuanyshbekova

Kazakhstan - Austria

Department of Technical Support, Assistent Director


Darkhan Makhmetova

Kazakhstan - Austria

Department of Design and Development.Director

